2013 through my camera lens

2013 has been a year full of events! I traveled to South India to study yoga, went to Alaska with my mom, and various places on the eastern sea board. My best friend, Dina, now has a beautiful daughter Zoe (who is so adorable!) and what’s more is that Mark and I got engaged (no we don’t have a date 🙂 ) ! My yoga practice has progressed in a subtle way. Less has become more. I’ve also began practicing the ashtanga pranayama sequence daily.Other notable mentions for 2013 include me being sad because Breaking Bad ended, my niece Eloise turned one, my nephew Charles in now six and in first grade, and my fiance Mark completed 17 full marathons and 4 half marathons (he’s sort of awesome. how can I not marry him).

I’m looking forward to 2014!!!! I’m kicking it off tomorrow with a morning full of yoga with my teacher, David Garrigues. Then, in less than one month, I’ll be in INDIA!

Enjoy the photo recap of 2013 (they are in no order. it’s more fun that way. and make sure to press play on the audio player. pictures are more fun to look at when music is playing 🙂

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