No, really- it is! Well, not quite yet, but soon the air will be filled with pollen, ragweed, grass spores, and other nasty little buggers that tend to make us uber itchy and sneezy. I already have my inventory coordinator at the pharmacy stocking up on allergy medications, nose sprays, neti-pots, eyewash and tissues.


As a springtime allergy sufferer myself, I can honestly tell you that the best thing you can do is try to prevent an allergy attack naturally.  Antihistamines dry you out too much, decongestants give your heart a good kick in the ass, and steroids can have not so fun side effects.

Natural prevention has two key words: flush and water (no, I’m not talking about a toilet but actually, it’s the same concept!)

Allergic reactions, specifically the ones that make your head miserable, happen when something foreign comes in contact with the delicate mucosa of your nose, eyes, mouth and ears.  Your body knows that it shouldn’t be there, so your immune system releases histamines and leukotrienes that start the water works- tears, snot and mucus! Essentially, to prevent this from happening, we want to keep those mucus membranes free and clear of those nasty little allergens by flushing them away gently.

To do this, you should adopt 4 simple daily habits:

Use a Neti Pot- Fill the pot up to the top with tepid water and optional buffered saline. Hold the spout super close to one of your nostrils. Start breathing through your mouth, shutting off all airflow to your nose. Tilt your head to the opposite side and allow the water to fill the nasal cavity and sinuses. The water will flow out of the other nostril. Allow the stream of water to flow for about 20 seconds and then switch sides. Don’t be alarmed if there is some pressure in your sinuses, the water will permeate the blockages as long as there isn’t a solid obstruction. Once you are done with both sides, blow your nose thoroughly.  Do this at least in the morning upon waking up and before bedtime. If you are involved in any outdoor activities, perform a neti rinse after the activity is over.

Below is an instructional video on how to do a neti rinse compliments of NeilMed

Flush your eyes– Eyewashes are available for purchase at all pharmacies and most grocery stores.  It is simply sterile water. Fill the eye up with the wash. Bring your head forward to the eyecup creating suction around your eye cavity. Tilt your head backwards holding the cup firmly around your eye. Once you feel the cool wash on your eyelid, start blinking really fast. Keep blinking for about 30 seconds. Tilt your head forward and remove the cup from the eye. Discard the used wash, rinse the cup with warm water and repeat on the other side.  The combination of the wash and blinking creates a gentle wave effect on the surface of the eye to help remove unwanted particles. Do this in the morning, before bed, and after outdoor activities.

Gargle & Spit– Dissolve ½ teaspoonful of sea salt into an 8 ounce cup of warm water. Take a sip of the mixture, tilt your head back and begin to vibrate the glottis in the back of the throat to gargle. Do this for about 30 consecutive seconds and then spit the mixture out into the sink. Now take a sip of unsalted water, swish it around in your mouth, then spit. Do this at least in the morning and evening.

Stay hydrated with water.


I know those four things seem so simplistic, but if added to your daily rituals they really will help!

Another helpful nugget of information is monitoring the pollen count in your area. WebMD has a fantastic pollen counter. If pollen counts are very high, make sure your windows are closed and you are cautious about going outside. On those days you may want to neti, wash and gargle a few more times!

Also, if it is a bad season for you, you may want to consider not hanging laundry out in the sun to dry. The clothes will attract pollen, which could be disastrous.

Now that I am back at the pharmacy, it’s back to health, health, and more health! Stay tuned for articles about spring and summer immunity boosters, tinctures, tonics, quality vitamin brands, inflammation helpers, recipes and more!

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