Wake me up when June is over.

It’s been almost a month since my last post. Yes, I’ve been super busy- mainly with the pharmacy and my new obsession with Netflix and Breaking Bad, but truthfully I just really hate the month of June. I drown myself in my job or projects just to keep my mind off the reasons why I hate June so much. Everyone dies in June. My grandparents, my dad and most recently Mark’s grandfather. Birthdays of loved ones who died are in June- including my dad. Father’s day is in June. I could go on. 

My practice has been mediocre. That IT/Psoas/TFL thing is still lingering around. Probably because it’s June. I’m really starting to think that my hatred for this month is stored in those places. But, regardless, I’m practicing. I’m really having fun practicing on my own- sans teacher (DG’s been away for a month to help with a movie project). Experimenting with variations of third series poses, doing combinations of the different series to make me feel good. Doing super long holds because I can. But, July is right around the corner- so I’ll start kicking up the practice intensity again and come out of June-Doom hiding. 


This post wasn’t really about anything. So, I apologize. This just serves as confirmation that I am still indeed alive and I’ll start posting more post June. 

Mark and I are going to pick out rings tomorrow in Philadelphia and then heading to DC for the weekend for a little getaway! I’m stoked, I’ve never been to DC and it’s been quite sometime since Mark and I have been away for something that doesn’t have to do with a marathon or a DG intensive. 

Until July!
